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Visitor Notice
Visitor Notice icon01 Food and pets other than guide dogs are prohibited in the Museum.
Visitor Notice icon02 Bicycles, quick boards, inline skates, shoes with wheels, all toy transportation (baby bicycles, spin trike), push cars, wagons, and balloons are prohibited inside the Museum.
Visitor Notice icon03 Adults accompanying children must ensure that the children do not yell or run around in the exhibition halls.
Visitor Notice icon04 Please do not touch or climb on the exhibits or conduct any acts that may damage the exhibits.
Visitor Notice icon05 Non-flash photography is permitted on a limited basis, however flash photography and tripods are not permitted, as well as photographs for commercial use. Please follow these instructions to protect the exhibits and other visitors.
Visitor Notice icon06 The Museum has the right to refuse entrance to those deemed to be a disturbance to the order or other visitors in the exhibition halls and the museum may ask visitors to leave, when they do not follow requests to maintain order in the museum.
Visitor Notice icon07 In case of the destruction or damage to exhibits by a visitor, the visitor will be liable for compensation of damages.
쿠키를 지원하지 않는 브라우저이거나 브라우저 설정에서 쿠키를 사용하지 않음으로 설정되어 있는 경우 사이트의 일부 기능(로그인 등)을 이용할 수 없으니 유의해 주시기 바랍니다.