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Plants with interesting names
Section Introduction Section Introduction
  • It has long been the general public who gives names to most plants in Korea. Some of them are named after humans or animals, based on their appearance, smell or habitats. Look around and guess what name is most suitable for each plant!
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  • Plants with interesting names
    Plants with interesting names
  • Boehmeria tricuspis(Hance) Makino
    Boehmeria tricuspis(Hance) Makino
  • Lycopodium chinenseH.Christ
    Lycopodium chinenseH.Christ
  • Cypripedium macranthos Sw.
    Cypripedium macranthos Sw.
  • Thalictrumfilamentosum Maxim.
    Thalictrumfilamentosum Maxim.
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