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Structure of Earth
Section Introduction Section Introduction
  • What does the inner structure of the earth look like?
  • The outermost layer of Earth where we live is the crust. The thickness of the crust is thin relative to the radius of the earth, which is 6,400 km. If the earth is thinner than an apple peel. Inside the crust is the mantle, and inside of that is the core. The outer core is in liquid form, and the innermost core is in solid form.
  • A special video shows the structure of the Earth, and learns about the structure of the atmosphere, plate tectonics, and continental drift theory.
Section Gallery Section Gallery
  • Structure of Earth
    Structure of Earth
  • Inner Structure of Earth
    Inner Structure of Earth
  • Atmosphere and Ocean of Earth
    Atmosphere and Ocean of Earth
  • Birth of Earth and Meteorites
    Birth of Earth and Meteorites
  • Plate Tectonics
    Plate Tectonics
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