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Planets in the Solar system
Section Introduction Section Introduction
  • Our Galaxy which includes the Solar System is 100,000 light years in diameter, 3,000 light years in thickness. From the above, the Galaxy takes a pinwheel spiral-shape. The solar system is located on the outer edges of the galaxy, about 30,000 light years away from the center. It consists of the Sun, and 8 planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, and the interplanetary medium. Walk across the overpass to see the Sun and the eight planets, the stereoscopic model of the moon, and the skeleton and restoration diagram of the Plesiosauria elasmosaur.
Section Gallery Section Gallery
  • Earth and Moon
    Earth and Moon
  • Moon
  • Moon and Plesiosaurus
    Moon and Plesiosaurus
  • Elasmosaurus
  • Elasmosaurus
  • Planet Panel
    Planet Panel
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