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Living Marine Species
Section Introduction Section Introduction
  • This exhibition showcases various marine life that live in the seas surrounding the three sides of the Korean peninsula. A diverse range of marine life is collected on site and displayed. The exhibition not only includes fish familiar to us but also gives a detailed look into marine invertebrates we can easily overlook. In the marine life corner, you can examine mollusks, Crustaceans, echinoderms, and Cnidariain living states.
Section Gallery Section Gallery
  • Sea in Korea
    Sea in Korea
  • Southern Sea Tank - Actiniaria
    Southern Sea Tank - Actiniaria
  • Southern Sea Tank - Actiniaria
    Southern Sea Tank - Actiniaria
  • Eastern Sea Tank- Sebastesschlegeli
    Eastern Sea Tank- Sebastesschlegeli
  • Western Sea Tank - Tridentiger bifasciatus
    Western Sea Tank - Tridentiger bifasciatus
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