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World of Mesozoic Dinosaurs
Section Introduction Section Introduction
  • The Mesozoic Era marks the period from 2.45 billion years to 65 million years ago, and ran for approximately 180 million years. The ancient reptiles that appeared in the late Paleozoic era rapidly developed and experienced explosive growth during the Jurassic Period(213 million∼144 million years ago), when large dinosaurs thrived on land, plesiosaurs in sea, and avian dinosaurs in the sky. At that time, ammonites, the invertebrate marine lifeforms, thrived, therefore this period is also called the Reptilian Age or the Dinosaur Age.
Section Gallery Section Gallery
  • Phylogenetic Tree of Dinosaurs
    Phylogenetic Tree of Dinosaurs
  • Feathered Dinosaur
    Feathered Dinosaur
  • Velociraptor
  • Stegosaurus
  • Troodon
  • Triceratops
  • Skull of Tyrannosaurus
    Skull of Tyrannosaurus
  • Pachycephalosaurus
  • Counterattack of Protoceratops
    Counterattack of Protoceratops
  • Eggs of Hadrosaurus
    Eggs of Hadrosaurus
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