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Mammal Prospering in Cenozoic Era
Section Introduction Section Introduction
  • The Cenozoic Era is the last of the Eras which began 65 million years ago and continues into the present. It can also be called the era of mammals.
  • Dinosaur, ichthyosaur, and pterosaur that dominated the land, sea and air of the Mesozoic Era became extinct in late Cretaceous Period, which caused a big chasm in the early Cenozoic Era, and then the mammals took advantage of this to evolve rapidly. The ancestors of horses, elephants, and rhinoceros, and primates, which evolved from the primitive insectivore, and evolved to the appearance of early humans. Mammals, birds, and fish thrived in this Era, and in terms of plants, the angiosperms flourished rapidly.
Section Gallery Section Gallery
  • Mammuthusprimigenius
  • Bones of Mammuthusprimigenius
    Bones of Mammuthusprimigenius
  • Saber-toothed tiger
    Saber-toothed tiger
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